Kelly Grimsley Honda

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Nov 10, 2023

Imagine you driving down the road, and the car in front of you stops suddenly. You slam on the brakes, only to find that it takes a few extra seconds for your car to come to a stop. You end up bumping into the car ahead, and even though nobody was hurt, it was still a terrifying experience. Situations like these are why it’s so important to head to the Honda dealership for a brake repair if you notice your brakes acting even slightly differently than usual.

Does Your Honda Need a Brake Repair? Signs You Need to Head to the Honda Dealership

The Brake Pedal Feels Different

You can’t quite explain it, but the brake pedal feels different somehow. Maybe it’s sitting lower, or it could offer less resistance than usual when you step on it. Either way, there’s something wrong, so you need to get to the dealer even if the pedal feels just a little off.

The Brake Pedal Vibrates

You step on the brake pedal as usual, but you find that it starts vibrating under your foot. Or you step on the brake pedal, and even if it doesn’t vibrate, the steering wheel does. A vibrating brake pedal or steering wheel indicates warped or uneven rotors, so you need to head to the dealer to get that fixed.

The Brakes Make Noise When Used

There’s a weird screeching or grinding noise that comes up a few times while you’re driving, and you’re not quite sure where it’s coming from. The next time it happens, you realize the noise occurs every time you use the brakes. That’s a sign your brake pads have worn down too much, and now the brake pad wear indicators are hitting the rotors when the brakes are used. The noise lets you know that it’s time for new brake pads.

The Brakes Are Less Responsive

It takes a few extra seconds for your car to come to a complete stop after you step on the brake pedal. You may also have to press the pedal down further than usual. This can be pretty alarming, and it’s a sign you should head to the dealer as soon as possible, as your brakes may become even less responsive as the problem worsens.

The Brakes Are Too Responsive

You’ve barely touched the brake pedal, but your car stops so suddenly that it jolts you. This unexpected over-responsiveness may be caused by low brake fluid or uneven rotors, and it’s a sign that you definitely need to head to the dealer to find out what the problem is.

Stop by Kelly Grimsley Honda if your brakes are acting strangely and need a repair. We’ll find the problem, fix it, and get you back out on the road as quickly as we can.