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Mar 1, 2024
You Should Get a Transmission Repair If:

Your Honda’s transmission is a critical component of your vehicle. It powers your wheels by regulating energy transfer from your engine. Over time, wear and tear will eventually decrease your transmission’s performance or even cause it to fail. Here are 5 signs your Honda needs a transmission repair and where to find a reliable Honda dealership in Odessa.

You Should Get a Transmission Repair If: 

1. Your Check Engine Light Comes On 

Your check engine light is a good indicator that something is seriously wrong with your vehicle. The issue may not be your transmission, but you should check it first since that’s one of your car’s most critical systems.

2. There’s a Puddle of Red Fluid Under Your Vehicle 

If you see a pool of reddish fluid underneath your car after you’ve been parked for a while, it could be a transmission fluid leak. If so, the liquid will smell sweet and have a thinner consistency than oil. It may also be dark brown or black if it needs to be changed. If you drive with leaking transmission fluid, it could overheat and damage your engine.

3. You Smell a Burning Plastic Odor 

If your transmission does overheat, you’ll likely smell melting plastic. This is your transmission fluid burning and can often be fixed just by changing the fluid. You should do this immediately since burnt fluid can’t protect your engine components and may even cause a fire.

4. You Hear Grinding or Squealing When You Shift Gears 

One of the most common signs of a transmission problem is feeling your car shudder or hearing the sound of grinding metal when you shift gears. Your gears might be sticky or hard to shift, especially if you have a manual transmission. Avoid driving your vehicle until you have it repaired so you don’t stall on the road and cause an accident.

5. You Hear Clanging or Knocking Noises When Your Car Is in Neutral

Pay close attention to any noises you hear coming from your engine when stopped at intersections and when you’re in neutral gear. If there are any banging, clanging, or knocking noises, this could be a sign you need your transmission repaired, your fluid changed, or a complete replacement.

When to Take Your Vehicle to a Honda Dealership 

When it comes to your transmission, you should never wait to get your vehicle checked out. Quick action is key to catching problems early and fixing them before they get worse. Waiting to address the issue could ultimately make it more expensive to repair.

Is your transmission showing signs of a problem? Call Kelly Grimsley Honda in Odessa, TX today to schedule a time to bring your vehicle in and have our expert mechanics take a look.